captured by him;my perfect fren,faizal badang;))
my geng;azraff(baju putih as minister of commerce

my geng;syamel as owner of popular website

me;Leesa as chair person

back from discussion..huh..!have done!

sorry miss..heee~
my geng;syamel as owner of popular website
me;Leesa as chair person
back from discussion..huh..!have done!
uhh,,but akuh sgtt bersyukur krn pade ariny 15 march 2010..we have done it.!
hehe..gwa ase markah gwa setaraf level confidence gwa kot..insyallah..
thanx for all;p
selebihnye...we talk at the back..hee~
one more,miss suzaini marah tyme amex gmbar ni..
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